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How to make the most of new seasonal energy efficiency ratios

As of January 1, 2023, the U.S. moved from the seasonal energy efficiency ratio (aka SEER) to SEER2, a new standard for measuring energy efficiency for new HVAC systems. That means all new products now require SEER2 testing in order to be manufactured and sold.

Depending on what region your business serves (North, Southwest or Southeast) the specifics of what the new ratios mean for your heating and cooling business will vary, but all states are facing a 7% to 8% increase.

As an HVAC professional, you’ve been preparing your business and your customers for this change for years. Now that it’s here, capitalizing on the opportunities presented by this ratio change can help you and your business continue to grow.

Keep your business and customers ahead of the curve

Regardless of your region’s current requirements, the reality is energy efficiency is not a trend that’s going to go away. Staying a step ahead of those energy ratios can ensure you and your business are prepared for what’s next. Of course, for customers, the required updates come with a price tag. This is a major investment; a new AC unit can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $8,000. Be prepared to  speak to the savings  it will afford them in the long run. Because these new efficient systems use less electricity for the same amount of cooling, they will cut electricity bills. Also, many states offer tax credits for energy-efficient upgrades. Be ready with the details of your local tax cuts to sell the value of these updates to your customers.

Build trust with new and returning customers

Most of your customers are not energy efficiency experts, but you can be that resource for them. Be prepared to answer their questions. You might even consider providing information sheets with answers to common queries like: 

  • What are the new 2023 HVAC regulations?

  • What is SEER and how does it impact my HVAC?

  • What efficiency level does my HVAC system need to meet?

  • Do I need to replace my current unit?

A quick regional cheat sheet for cooling requirements could also be a handy tool for homeowners.

Region Old SEER requirement New SEER2 requirement
North 13 14
Southwest 14 15
South 14 15

Setting yourself up as a trusted resource can also include helping homeowners navigate the finances of the system updates required to meet these new ratios. By providing financing options that allow enough options and flexibility for a variety of financial situations, you can ensure customers can afford these required upgrades without busting their budgets.

Ally Lending offers financing solutions that give your customers the option to pay over time, while you get paid once the work is complete.

Establish your green expertise

These new requirements offer a golden opportunity to establish your business as an efficiency expert. Meeting SEER2 requirements is a great starting point for all kinds of smart, energy-efficient upgrades. Whether it’s a smart thermostat or the next innovation in HVAC systems, the industry is moving quickly toward new, more efficient technology. Now is the time to make sure your customers know that you can help them keep up with those changes as they come.

Get smart about current technologies, keep an eye on what’s next and make sure your customers see your expertise. Build out a green tech page on your website, or start mixing energy-efficient content into your usual social media content. Setting yourself up now as a go-to resource for SEER2 and whatever is next will ensure you continue to grow your business today and for all of the energy efficiency updates to come.

Go green and grow your business

After so many years of preparing for SEER2 it might feel surreal that it’s finally here, but now is the time for HVAC pros to shine. By providing your customers with the information, systems and solutions they need to navigate this change and the costs that come with it, you and your business can make the most of this new landscape, whatever comes next.

Help your customers make HVAC projects more affordable with flexible financing options from Ally Lending .

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