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Converting LASIK prospects into 
patients is a challenge.

Based on our research, the biggest growth goal amongst vision practices is bringing in more patients. Consistently converting prospects into new patients may seem like an obvious solution to maintaining growth, but 54% said they found bringing in new patients to be somewhat or very difficult. 

Very few vision practices felt that their main challenge is getting a prospective patient to call (just 11%, in fact). But once prospects do call, only 29% of practices completely agree that they’re highly likely to become a patient afterwards. So, why aren’t the other 71% of practices’ potential new patients converting?

The Solution: Practices use consistent staff training and financing options to convert new patients.

Based on our research, there are two keys to improving patient conversion in vision care.

1. Consistent Staff Training

The first few interactions a prospective patient has with your clinic can make or break your relationship with them, so it’s important to ensure your team is prepared to start off every patient relationship on the right foot. 86% of practices say the typical booking process happens over the phone. It’s essential that the person who answers the call (the first human touchpoint for prospective new patients) is well-trained and ready to make a good first impression; 93% of practices completely/somewhat agree it’s critical to train front desk staff to ensure they set the right tone. When it comes to converting prospects into patients, putting care and attention into every patient touchpoint is key. Prioritizing and requiring thorough staff training in your clinic can ensure a consistent positive experience for your patients from onboarding to check out and follow-up appointments.

2. Offering Financing Options

Speaking of proper staff training, only 57% of vision practices provide training to overcome cost-related objections, even though 93% of practices report that patients find cost to be an obstacle to care. That’s too many patients worrying about how they’re going to pay for the vision care they want and need, without the proper resources. Only 8% of vision patients are extremely satisfied with payment options, but 29% of practices don’t offer third-party financing at all, and 42% say they only offer it as a last resort. Offering additional payment options can help your practice accommodate the financial needs of more patients. 

The Outcome: Make a good impression on prospective patients & boost current patients’ lifetime value.

Ensuring a consistently positive patient experience via proper staff training can make all the difference in a practice’s conversion efforts, especially in the vision sector. Creating a comfortable environment for new and long-time patients alike is essential to the success of your practice. Plus, referrals are the number one marketing channel utilized by vision practices to attract new patients, and they’re earned by providing consistent, top-notch service through every patient touchpoint. So, while prioritizing staff training can help improve patient relationships during conversion and retention stages of the marketing funnel, it can also aid in boosting acquisition - convenient bonus!

Although third-party financing is a great way to support patients and improve retention, it is currently the least-offered payment option in vision practices. Patient retention is critical for profits and should be one of a practice’s top priorities. Practices that are looking to ease the cost concerns of potential new patients while boosting the loyalty and lifetime value of their current ones should explore what third-party financing can do for their practice and their patients – and that’s where Ally Lending comes in.

Ally Lending can help expand your practice’s financing options with our patient financing, so that every patient who needs care can receive it on their terms and on their budget. We also created a  Healthcare Marketing Playbook  to help you optimize your patient relationships, boost ROI, and encourage return visits to your practice – because we’re all better off with an Ally.

Like what you read? There’s more where that came from. Find out how Ally Lending financing solutions can help grow your business and make healthcare treatments more affordable for your clients.

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