
Check off your bucket list with Ally Bank’s smart spending and savings tools

·3 min read

Is there anything better than checking something off your bucket list? Whether it’s a trip you’ve always wanted to take or a financial milestone you’ve worked toward for years, it’s a major accomplishment when you finally get there. However, actually getting there can be challenging when you’re juggling other financial responsibilities and goals.

That’s where Ally Bank’s spending and savings buckets come in. These smart saving tools can help you organize your budget so you can more easily find extra funds to put toward your bucket list items.

Infographic title Building a better bucket list: Our recent survey found most of us have a bucket list, but finances often get in the way. A smarter approach to budgeting can help. Pie graph showing 84% of U.S. adults have a bucket list (even if they haven’t written it down). Bar graph shows those most likely to have an official bucket list: Millennials (47%), Gen Zers (40%) and Gen Xers (25%). What’s on your bucket list? 85% include specific travel destinations while roughly half of all bucket lists included quality time with family or friends, achieving financial stability, or learning skills or hobbies. A hole in the bucket list: More than half of U.S. adults say finances are the #1 bucket list barrier, while 3/4 place finances in their top 3 hurdles with time listed as a top challenge, too. A budget breakdown: 5 hours/month is how much time most U.S. adults spend on their budget. 60% of U.S. adults use pen and paper to track spending. 1/3 have difficulty sticking to a budget. About 50% of millennials and Gen Zers use a digital tool for banking and budgeting. Build toward a better bucket list: Ally Bank spending and savings buckets can help make it easier to check items off your bucket list. Use spending buckets to organize your essential expenses (groceries, utilities, rent/mortgage payments). Add extra funds to your savings buckets to put toward your bucket list. On average, customers who use our savings buckets and tools are able to save 2x more than those who don’t. Savings buckets are a feature of Ally Bank’s Online Savings Account. Spending buckets are a feature of Ally Bank’s Interest Checking Account. This online survey was conducted by CITE Research on behalf of Ally Financial between March 21 and 31, 2023, among 1,000 U.S. adults. Ally Do It Right logo.

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